Sunday, October 23, 2016

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 10-23-16

That is, World War 1990: Operation Pacific Storm.

We've already mentioned this a bit, but with the Castro's Folly in production and The Final Storm wrapping up, its time to put some mental energy into Pacific Storm.

Readers will recall that at the end of Part I of Operation Eastern Storm, American forces had reduced Soviet forces in the Far East and even taken Petropavlovsk. There had even been some diplomatic Rigmarole with the Japanese.

I thought it'd be interesting to bring Japanese forces into the war. In 1990 and even today, they have a fine military.

Also, at the end of Operation Eastern Storm the Soviets were having success with their distraction strategy, what with Saddam invading Kuwait. We'll see that in Castro's Folly and of course Pacific Storm as well. Here come the ANZACs, they're going back to Vietnam and this time their bringing some Gurkhas, may some Singaporeans too.

Good fun, good fun.


  1. I hope you find a way to write a few more especially a prequel. I know theres a few novels written in the 80s, but screw em. Write your own

  2. I hope you find a way to write a few more especially a prequel. I know theres a few novels written in the 80s, but screw em. Write your own
