Friday, December 2, 2016

Redundancy is Redundant

I mean, how many times can I write about amphib landings. Will the Japanese attack on Vladivostok really be interesting if it looks and feels like the American landings in Cuba?

Do we really need another telling of a desperate battle?

The reader will notice as the series reaches in finale that NATO and co are squeezing the USSR in the Kola, in the Black Sea, and in the Pacific.

I think the premise is interesting as hell.

But writing about the same thing gets a bit tiresome.

It's one of the reasons why I've been working on Whatever Happened to Jake and Patricia Bloom, or whatever the title will be.

Briefly, the book focuses on Jake and Patricia in 2008 with flashbacks beginning in the summer of 1991 bringing the reader up to speed. There will be action, heck atone point I pretty much turn Jake into Captain America. But mostly its character driven. Lots of emotion and what no.

No, I did not just come out. I just need to do something a bit different.

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