Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday Tally

Colossal Strategic Blunder Edition.

Inspired by Japanese  Prime Minister Shinjo Abe visiting Pearl Harbor, the top strategic blunders in history:

Pearl Harbor: It was a Hail Mary, really, and Yamamoto knew they only had one chance to win the war. The Japanese had to strike a crippling blow against the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Did land a good punch? Yes. A knockout? You know the answer. They just pissed us off.

Hannibal's War on Rome: Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian general and victory at Trasimine, Trebia, and the epic slaughter at Canne made a huge mistake even thinking he could win the war. Rome was no ordinary ancient society but a Democratic Republic with a one of the great armies in history, a people's army. The Romans suffered defeat after defeat and kept coming back.

Napoleon, 1812: C'mon, the man took on Europe's two colossi, Britain, another democracy that refused to give in, and Russia. Who think's invading Russia is a good idea? Russian arms, Prussian arms backed by the Royal Navy and the Royal sovereign did in the Corsican tyrant.

Athens' invasion attack of Syracuse: In an attempt bring Sparta to heel, Athens attacked Sparta's close ally (this was like Hitler declaring war on the USA in 1941), got bogged down and eventually defeated there. This led to Athens' collapse and eventually defeat at the hands of Sparta.

*Why not Hitler's invasion of Russia? Well, they damn near pulled it off, didn't they?
** Bush's invasion of Iraq? I still stand by it but am open to persuasion

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