Saturday, February 25, 2017

Dear Media: it's not your business model that sucks, its you that sucks... said my mentor, my guiding light, the man for whom I openly wept when he died, Andrew Breitbart.

This clip, a couple of weeks old now, is breathtaking:

That's CNN's Brian Stelter, media critic, interviewing Michael Wolff himself a journalist and media critic. Wolff really let's him have it. And rightly so. Stelter is a pig. A man with no real journalism experience, sorry writing media columns is not journalism, slamming President Trump for not revering the media. Stelter at one point tries to argue that we live in extraordinary times that require the likes of himself lecturing the president. Wolff is not impressed. In fact everything Wolff says is true. 'The media does not need defending by the media,' Wolff says and, 'The media will be fine.' After Stelter tried to argue that we live in extraordinary times Wolff, who unlike Stelter has the benefit of years of experience, says, 'I think all new presidencies are unusual.'

Just so.

Brian Stelter actually brings Wolff on air to take about...Brian Stelter.

Look folks, there's a reason why my novels are peppered with journalists known only by a sobriquet; Bloviating Hair Maniac, Red Dye Job, Aggressive Blonde, etc, etc. Except Rafael Gould of course. 'Gonzo' as he is nicknamed is out in the field, you know, reporting.

Calm down Stelter, you're not that pretty, you're not that special.

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