Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday Metal: What the Hell was that Video in the Previous Post?

That was the Soviet hard-rock band Gorky Park. Here's the video for reference:

It was 1989, man. Gorby was a hero over here and the American public had an interest in Russian shit. Billy Joel played a concert over there, Billy Crystal did a gig. A Soviet hard-rock band only made sense. It was marketing genius.

Remember too, this was 1989, the 20th anniversary of Woodstock, man. So of course we had this:

I mean, JBJ looks like a goddamn hippy there. Like I said, it was '89 man.

So does Bang! suck? Not totally, not if one thinks, 'Hey, its 1989!' Some producer obviously thought, 'They could be the Russian version of the Scorpions!' Heck, GP's lead singer has the same vocal range as Klause Mein.

Now, this video, Let's imagine the scene on set....

Fade in-...a square in NYC with a few Soviet flags to give it it a vaguely Red Square feel...A tired Russian band, just wanting to get back to the hotel in Williamsburg and have some borscht, an idiot Americanski director whose cultural knowledge begins and ends with 1950's TV sitcoms, pesters the band:
'Ok, you guys. Now do some Russian stuff. You know, the kicking and dancing and squatting thing with your arms? Like that scene in Patton!'
'Patton? You mean Americanski war-monger who wanted to start World War Three with Soviet Union?'
'I mean George C. Scott.'
[band curses in Russian]
They packed the video with all the Soviet imagery they could get their hands on. Anvils, the Kremlin, goose stepping soldiers. Ahhh....there we go.

That's it, that's how we saw the USSR in 1989.

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