Thursday, February 23, 2017

Report From the Leonard Lance Protest

So last night my Congressman, Leonard Lance  held a town hall at my former place of employment, Raritan Valley Community College.

I didn't have tickets to the actual town hall but there was a big protest outside so I decided to check things out.

The crowd is gathered behind a temporary fence in front of the college. There is great turnout. At least a couple hundred people have showed up. These are the usual combination of professional Democrats, the SEIU and Sierra Club is here as are at least a few other local groups. A good half of the protesters are young people, it's at a college campus after all. A lot of older women are present, skinny vegans, crazy cat lady types, gals who have been doing this sort of thing since at least the Nuclear Freeze movement. I didn't see one woman I actually wanted to schtup. There are a lot of gray bearded liberal men, a few professional crazies. To my disappointment there were no black masked thugs. I didn't see one man that I thought stood a decent chance against me in a fight.

The protesters hold a eclectic and varied array of printed and homemade signs. There must have been a hundred of them. A fair amount of pink 'pussy hats' too. Many insist they are not paid protesters. Maybe, but this is a well organized and planned event as evidenced by the banners and printer signs.

The crowd is overwhelmingly white, whiter than the newsroom at MSNBC.

There are lots of cops. Branchburg, Bridgewater, Somerset County Sheriff. These were professional and friendly. There will be no trouble at this event. Lots of press too. Local, ABC, CNN, and curiously Agence Presse France. What's up with that?

Clad in a red MAGA hat I eventually settled in with half a dozen other Trump people. We stand out even with no hats. Large men. Solid looking men. One was with his beautiful blonde wife. We stood in front of the protest, watching and chatting. The crowd was boisterous, excited and loud. They were having a good time. They were also well behaved. No one gave me any trouble.When a woman dropped her sign over the temporary fence she asked if I could get it for her. I obliged.  At once point a woman with a home made 'No Wall' sign began bashing Melania to our little gaggle of Trumpiness. She was  skinny with short gray hair and glasses and a dead ringer for that coot that was thrown off a plane last month for harassing a Trump supporter. We mock her out of existence.

One by one the leaders of the various liberal groups there make short speeches. These were of the usual boilerplate and thoroughly uninteresting.

Video at this link,guys. Do watch it all the way though.

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