Sunday, February 19, 2017

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 2-19-17


For a couple of months we've been pounding away on Operation Pacific Storm.

This morning we are announcing that there is no Operation Pacific Storm. Well, there is, but its in World War 1990: Operation Eastern Storm.

Given the subject matter, and the amount of space the Aussies and Kiwis are taking up, we've chosen to make them the sole focus of this book. Out is the Japanese move on Vladivostok and Chinese intrigue in Siberia. This novel is about the ANZACs and their operations in Vietnam.

We've got an Australian naval task force of ten Australian ships (Melbourne wasn't scrapped in my universe), two from New Zealand and several support vessels from Malaysia and Singapore. Land element is four plus Australian brigades, an ad-hox NZ brigade, the 1st Fijian Infantry Regiment and a Gurkha brigade. In the air, two squadrons F-18s, two F-111s, one squadron of NZ Sky Hawks, F-5s out of the Philippians  and F-16s out of Singapore.

Now we've got plenty of historical characters, especially at the political level with a four-way battle between Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Kim Beazley and John Howard. But at the brigade level on down the characters and commanders are fictional.

We hope to have the rough done in a month. Tan book cover? We'll see.

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