Friday, March 24, 2017

Filibuster This Grand Bargain

So Chuck Schummer wants to filibuster the Gorsuch nomination to the Supreme Court.

This is a horrible idea.

There's a deal to be had here.

Right now if we put the Supreme Court on a 1-10 scale, 1 being most left 10 being most right, it stands at a 5.5, maybe a 6.

Neil Gorsuch going to the court would not upend this balance at all. He's replacing Antonin Scalia who was very conservative.

Now, sooner or later one of the old leftist judges, I'm looking at you Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is going to croak. It might happen within the next four years. Here's what Chuck should do. He should go to his opposite number, Mitch McConnell and say, 'Look, you Kentucky rube, I won't filibuster Gorsuch. In exchange, if/when Ginsburg dies, you and Trump appoint a slightly conservative judge to replace her.'

Let's say replacement is a 5.5 or 6 on the Stroock Supreme Court Scale. There'd be no reason not to offer or take that deal.
Is it a great deal for McConnell and the GOP? No but its a good deal.

Is it a good deal for Chuck and the Dems. No. but its the best deal they'll get.

Otherwise, the GOP goes nuclear and when Ginsburg kicks it, instead of a squishy Harriet Myers type they're looking at Alito 2.0.

My deal doesn't sound so bad now, does it?

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