Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Austrian Painter's Culture

What is happening in this world of 1964 where Germany is commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Great War and its victory over France?

While the world is far different geo-politically, we've concluded culturally it is very similar to our own 1964 with most of the same forces at work.

After all, this 1964 still had a great depression, America still had a major war (in the Pacific). Germany finds itself fighting a few colonial conflicts while it maintains a an Eastern European alliance against Russia, though the threat of Armageddon does not loom as this world has no nuclear weapons.

Our protagonist is at his favorite watering hole (enjoying tea and a piece of cake) watching a television program, in this the BBC's new history of the Great Pacific War, when some long haired, ill-kept youth walk in. Naturally our protagonist is miffed.

His new neighbor enjoys art as well, but much to the dismay of our  neo-classical influenced protagonist she enjoyed the modern work of Jackson Pollack and other abstract expressionists. Yes, we've giving ourselves a crash course in art.

Don't even get him started on the music, those damn long-haired kids from Liverpool...

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