Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Austrian Painter

We still have a few things to thresh out.

Russia. We're still not quite sure what to make of Russia.

There's no communism in this world and no Soviet Union but Russia is still a major factor just like in she was in 19th century Europe. Russia is confronted with hostile powers in the west, a restless Islamic Caucasus, and Mongoloid nationalism in Siberia.

We don't even know whose leading Russia in 1964. In a way this works. So far Russia is massive and faceless, a behemoth that simply is.

Actually, that's kind of working, isn't it?

Then there's China. Again, no communism so no Mao. You have a subdued Japan to the east, the British Empire to the southwest the French to the south in Siam, of course the Americans in the Pacific.

We suppose China is kind of peripheral to events in The Austrian Painter, but still, one should have details as squared away as possible.