Thursday, December 28, 2017

Blade Runner: Now I have a Machine Gun, Ho...Ho...Ho...

So after about an hour and twenty minutes into Blade Runner:2049 I thought I was watching a science fiction masterpiece.

And then Ryan Gosling shows up in his flying car and shoots down a couple of police cruisers.  They had machine guns? Who knew?

Actually I liked the ensuing fight scene, but the movie falls apart in the third act.

Up until then we have an excellent science fiction film. 2049 feels like and is paced like Blade Runner without being derivative or nostalgic, that is until the end when the film becomes derivative and nostalgic. Fans of the original will see it right away. You'll know its coming.

The Los Angeles of 2049 is dystopian, Blade Runner meets Soylent Green. It's snowing in Los Angeles and the city is protected from a rising ocean by a massive seawall. The place is crowded. Technology is everywhere though, Replicants, holograms, drones, etc, etc, and these are well executed.

Ryan Gosling plays K-8675309 or Kay (eh! eh!) trying to track down a child supposedly conceived by Jake Deckard and Rachel. His performance is excellent. Sylvia Hoeks plays the evil Replicant like the Terminator. Harrison Ford returns to fuck up yet another one of his classic roles.

Like the original, Blade Runner 2049 is about life, and meaning and humanity. Whose more human, the people who blow away Replicants or the Replicants and holograms that just want to be human?

Blade Runner 2049's answer is humanity is scum.

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