Friday, December 22, 2017

The American Shiva

Nikki Haley the Sikh-American former governor of South Carolina and current ambassador to the UN has unleashed rhetorical destruction upon that body:

We think we're in love.

[Oh god, not again-Ed]

We haven't been this aroused by a politician since Sarah Palin.

[Yeah, and how's she doing these days?-Ed]

She's pretty, but there's something about an Indian-American woman and that southern accent...

[You need some alone time, don't you?-Ed]

Do I ever.

[Couple minutes outta do it! Thanks folks, I'll be here all week!-Ed]

Anyway we say to Ambassador Haley, well done, Madam.

This morning Fox News was talking about the speech with Congressman Pete Hesgeth. The Congressman called the UN a Marxist, Jew hating toilet. We couldn't agree more and suggest the City of New York seize the building and turn it into low rent housing.

[First person to trace that Science Fiction reference gets a free copy of the book of their choice, post in the comments-Ed]

Anyhoo, Hesgeth echoed an idea we've had for a long time. Let's pull out of the UN and form a League of Democracies to do what the UN should be doing but without the taint of all those crap-hole dictator nations.

We'll start with the English Speaking Peoples and once the organization is off the ground we'll allow other nations to apply for membership. Nations like France, Germany and Belgium (which isn't really a nation at all) will have to go through a long vetting process to see if they qualify for membership.

Of course the English Speaking Peoples have a long track record of doing good in the world, don't we?