Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Fire This

Didn't any of these idiots take civics? From the AP*:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday thwarted a bipartisan effort to protect special counsel Robert Mueller’s job, saying he will not hold a floor vote on the legislation even if it is approved next week in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
McConnell said the bill is unnecessary because President Donald Trump will not fire Mueller.
We had a big debate about this back in 1868, don't any of you morons in the press know this? Probably not.

In their ongoing war with President Andrew Johnson, the Radical Republicans in Congress passed a bill saying the president couldn't fire cabinet appointees without their Ok. President Johnson said, 'Just watch me,' and fired Secretary of War William Stanton.

The House impeached the president, but the senate acquitted.

This bill to protect Mueller and his Fake Probe is unconstitutional.

The AP* reporter Mary Clare Jalonick
knows this, but tries anyway:
At a September hearing on the two separate bills, before they were combined, scholars were divided on whether the bills were constitutional, with some voicing concerns that allowing the judicial branch that authority over an executive decision may not pass muster in the courts.
The president can fire anyone he wants, anywhere in the Executive Branch, for any reason he wants.

*Al Qiada Press

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