Thursday, June 7, 2018

Le Affair De Adjunct Part III: Let's go Nuclear

So how did it end?

We plugged along in 2015 teaching our two classes and carrying a yuuge chip on our shoulder. We even got a class for the summer session.

In the meantime we agreed to everything the department stipulated (which will be described below).

The reader knows where things headed, and we did too, though a friend once told us that we never did know when we weren't wanted. 

Anyway as May rolled around and we saw fall classes being divvied up we emailed the appropriate authorities, those being the chair and the adjunct coordinator. The later replied:

HI Will,
When we meet next week, we will review your plans for the summer semester and look at the changes you have made this semester. Please bring your exams, syllabi, and collect some sample student work at different points in the grade spectrum. We will make future assignments on a semester-by-semester basis reflecting your progress toward effective teaching of World History. 

One has to wonder what would possess somebody to write a sentence like that to a professional and colleague.

The reader knows how we reacted. Here's our response:

Must we do this again?

After our discussion last fall, I made sure to incorporate more non-western subject matter into my class. I sent you my syllabus. If it was not acceptable to you needed to say this at the beginning of the semester. I have sent you every test I have given this semester. You have provided no feedback.

At no point did you indicate to me that we needed to meet on these matters before classes for the fall were assigned.

I wouldn't dream of treating you like this.

I bring unique value to this institution, including 90 + magazine articles and six novels, and I think it would be nice if you recognized that.

I will not be treated like this and there will be no meeting until and unless I am assigned some classes in the fall. Preferably the ones I requested. If this is your stance, you can go ahead and assign that summer class to someone else.

William Stroock
They really hated it when we would tell them how great we are.**

[They're not the only one's-Ed]

And so ended our professorial career.

Actually we taught that summer class, we felt we owed it to the chair becuase we had put him in a rough spot before. 

It was a great last class.

*Lots of academic mumbo-jumbo and titles followed.

**We are told some find this off-putting.

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