Saturday, July 14, 2018

C'mon Baby Finish What you Started..

Civilians think teaching is about reaching students, inspiring them, expanding their horizons - we have just hit our virtual laugh track button. Actually the most important part of teaching is controlling the classroom. Once you do that, you can do whatever you want.

At least for us, writing is similar. It's not about ideas, or choosing the right words. Writing is about discipline. Sitting down everyday to do it, regardless of circumstances. 

Three times now we have been in the hospital wondering if we were on the verge of a cardiac incident. Each time we brought our computer and did some work.

The morning we buried our grandfather, we got up and did some work.

Henceforth ten novels, this blog. 

Honestly we feel kind of weird if we don't crank out a few posts in the morning. 

Still it's terrifying that people check in here every morning just to see what we think.

Our point, and we do have one, is that discipline leads to completeness. That is, the novel you started gets finished.

We bring this up because we are sitting on Pershing's War 1919: 30,000 words, and The Final Storm: 42,000 words.

Lord, we are so not in the mood.

[Mood's got nothing to do with it, motherfucker. Get to work-Ed]

When did you become Samuel L. Jackson, Ed?

[When did you start liking France?-Ed]


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