Friday, July 13, 2018

Europe Steyned

Yesterday the esteemed M Steyn republished one of his classic post 9/11 pieces. Like most Americans we only became Steyn-aware after 9/11*. The above linked piece is one of the reasons why.

Of NATO's post 9/11 commitments Steyn wrote:

The Nato declaration was impressive, but, even as the press release was coming off the photocopier, a big chunk of America's 18 allies were backsliding. Norway, Germany and Italy said they had no intention of contributing planes, ships or men. Even as purely political support, the first ever invocation of Article Five was written in disappearing ink. The Italian Foreign Minister – speaking for Europe's most conservative government – said "the term 'war' is inappropriate". "We are not at war," said Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel, his nation's signature on that Nato document notwithstanding. Belgium holds the current Presidency of the EU and was last seen apologizing for slavery, colonialism, etc at Durban's recent UN Conference Against Whitey, Hymie And Capitalism. 
It was during this time that we realized NATO was useless. European shrugs, Token contributions,  'Oui mon General. Perhaps a company of gendarmes?'

European smug indifference kind of made one feel unappreciated. Do they not know about the huge American military cemeteries across Western Europe?

The French should have said, 'The people of Les Republique are outraged, Mr. President. the Foreign Legion is at your service. And sorry about not letting your F-111s flyover in '86.'

*Turns out our intro to Steyn was his 1999 review of The Phantom Menace in NR. As with all things, Steyn was right. He hated it.

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