Sunday, February 25, 2024

Will's Good Idea for the week of 2/25/24

We awake to a frigid Sunday morning after a boring Saturday night, the highlight of which was drinking a Bushmills. After the South Carolina primary results came in, we wrote a quick reaction piece for a website. Nearly 800 words written and edited, on a whim. We'll see if they accept it. Oh look, they did!:

This observer admits to once harboring a political fantasy about a future Republican presidential administration. It was a kind of ministry of all the talents, an administration of the very best the current Republican Party has to offer. This observer will also admit that he was (and is once again by default) a Trump man, a MAGA hat. But Trump wasn’t the president in this fantasy administration.

Thank you, 1945. Click on through, reader(s). Click on through

As we said, we were bored. We're bored very often at night now. We don't feel like reading, and despite subscribing to every streaming service known to man (which happens when one has three daughters) we can't find anything to watch. We long for the days of flipping through broadcast channels and stumbling upon a movie we like 20 minutes in. 'Oh look, Star Trek is on....'

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 2/25/24...

We're thinking about our anthology contribution. It's supposed to be alternate history that has something to do with cavalry. The cavalry can be hooved or tracked. We have ideas...Pharoh's Chariots, Harold's Huscarls, Patton's tanks, but we're not really feeling them. We'd like to feel them. [Maybe you should just STFU and start writing. The deadline's in two months, knobhead-Ed] Maybe. We're probably moving our self selected start date. We got nuthin'.

And of course we're thinking about the next novel, the summer sneak in. Other than World War 1990: Thatcher's War, we're not sure what we'd write. We haven't mentioned the Red Dawn Thingy in months. [You've got two successful, ongoing series to going. Wouldn't the Red Dawn Thingy be a good third series?-Ed] Possibly. 

What if, and hear us out, what if we started writing the nuclear war stories that are supposed to take place after the events of The New American Order? It's a risk, because we don't know if War Night will sell. But is should sell. What ideas do we have? We'd update on the Cooper family story. We'd center the novel on a war story. Alert readers will have noticed that a future war between India and Pakistan is referenced in The New American Order. We sense more dwelling upon things in the week to come. 

1 comment:

  1. Would a story about a boomer sub be to similar to the one about the ICBM silo
