Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Esher you Ignorant Jerk

YNET news tells us:
The police said that since the incident, "an intensive investigation has been ongoing both covertly and overtly," which led to the arrest warrant against the suspect.

IDF effigies, as well as Israeli flags, were set on fire at Lag B'Omer bonfires in Mea Shearim by radical ultra-Orthodox as part of their fight against the IDF draft law.
As of now Haredi Jews don't have to serve in the IDF. As one can imagine this is a point of contention with everyone else in Israel. They really are religious whack jobs and privileged bastards.

This is why Hasidim or Haredi Jews are the bad guys in one of the stories of To Survive the Earth.

Basically after the alien invasion the United States is coping with a brutally cold winter. FEMA dumps a bunch of refugees from Chicago on one small Kentucky town. It turns out these are Hasidic Jews. Rather than be gratefulthe Hasidim  act like the locals owe them something are owed and try to take over the place.

Let's just say we have some experience with these people.

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