Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Rank This!

Via Breitbart (PBUH) we learn the following about publishing:

Regnery Publishing, the largest conservative publisher in the United States, has announced it will sever all ties with the New York Times, alleging the Left-wing paper biases its ‘bestseller’ list in favour of liberal titles.
In this day and age of Indy Publishing, Kindle and POD, there is no reason whatsoever to rely or even work with the New York Times Best Seller List.

About 80% of our sales are Amazon Kindle, 10% Nook and the rest soft cover, also through Amazon.

The knew thing is Kindle Normalized Pages, basically streaming a book. This was inevitable. We're starting to rack up some reads this way too.

Amazon uses a straight sales ranking, we have no idea what goes into the NYTBSL and we don't care. We'll never be on it, of course.

This is just one more change coming to a publishing industry that still acts like its 1980.

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