Monday, September 11, 2017

Stroock's NFL Ban in full Effect

Well we didn't watch any football yesterday and we're OK with it.

OK, we caught a few minutes of the Eagles-Redskins game, but that's only because we are blessed to have married a girl who likes sports more than we do. She likes the Eagles I like the Giants. Talk about a mixed marriage!

Steve Sheldon at town hall picks up on our own theme about what's wrong with the NFL:
So, Colin Kaepernick, Marcus Peters and every other flag protesting twit, this American is done with the likes of you. And, I’m not alone. Welcome to the unemployment line coming soon to your future.
We endorse every last word of this article, including 'and' and 'the'.

Sheldon lists:

-PC Culture (like all that pink crap in October)
-Hip-hop culture (strutting, chest thumping, ugh)
-Its a game (I too no longer want to care)
-The National Anthem protests (millionaire revolutionaries)
-Over analysis (ESPN is the worst)
-Taxpayer funded stadiums (at least Met Life is privately financed)

Ye to Mr. Sheldon.

We have no idea who won which games yesterday, and so far, we're OK with it.

That's a yuuge problem Mr. Goodell.

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