Friday, September 1, 2017

The Media is Decadent and Depraved

Via Ace, we learn that Sally Quinn, the bound concubine of former Washington Post Editor Ben Bradlee, is into some really weird shit:

Quinn would practice her own magic in the gardener’s cottage. “She used to take her cards out to the little thatched hut,” recalls writer Leslie Marshall, an ex-wife of Quinn’s stepson Dino Bradlee and one of Sally’s closest friends. “The place has the right ambience for the occult.” 
Ouija boards, astrological charts, palm reading, talismans—Quinn embraces it all. And yes, she has been in contact with her husband since his passing. Through a medium. Repeatedly.
She likes to hex people that piss her off, like younger, prettier women who lost out on the Ben Bradlee sweepstakes.

How come whenever I write about the media being a cabal of communist sex criminals you people doubt me? This bitch hexes people she doesn't like.What part of the media hates you and wants you to die in a grease fire don't you get?
We'd get on that.

[The old guy? Ed]


[In your case, the gentleman cannot afford to be discerning-Ed]

Shut the fuck up, Ed

[Ahahahahahaha! I amuse myself,-Ed]

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