Friday, September 8, 2017


...Trump is doing it. Trump is winning because that's what winners do.

Let's set aside the Obamacare debacle for a moment and look at what el Trumpo Supremo has accomplished.

Gorsuch is on the Supreme Court. Isis is on the run. Illegal border crossings by illegal Mexicans are way down. More than 500 corrupt employees at the corrupt VA have been fired. More than a million jobs in six months.

Let us not forget his handling of Harvey.

Every week Trump scraps some piece of Obama era policy by dictate. This week DACA is gone and Breitbart reports this morning that Betsy De Vos is scrapping the college kangaroo courts.

Getting back to Obamacare, Ryan and McConnell really screwed that up. Worse they have shown the president no loyalty whatsoever. So Trump made a debt ceiling deal with Chuck and Nancy and is openly negotiating with them on DACA. Ryan and McConnell are said to be furious. Good.

Last night President Trump had dinner with Paul Ryan. Below is a clip:

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