Wednesday, October 4, 2017

20 Years ago, 3 Years Scorned

So  last  night we watched the wildcard play-in game between the NY Yankees and the Minnesota Twins. It's the first Yankees game we've scene all year.

The Yankees victory had us thinking back to our baseball fandom 20 years ago.

Actually, we had no baseball fandom.

Or more properly we were no longer a fan.

On August 12th, 1994 the baseball players went on strike, thereby cancelling the baseball season. The 1994 baseball season ended at 112 games and no World Series.

[You need more than 112 games to finish a season? Bloody Yanks,-Ed]

We were mad about that. We were even madder about how unapologetic the owners, the players and the league were when they went back to work in the spring of 1995. Their whole attitude seemed to be, 'Ok, we're back. Lucky you.'

Like about 20% of baseball fandom we told MLB to go fuck themselves. Ours was the fury of a lover scorned, for we loved baseball. For three seasons we banned the game. We missed the Yankees 1996 world championship as a result.

We regret nothing.

There was a lot going on in our lives back then. We were living in DC, Northern VA properly, going to school, getting engaged, watching our life plans implode. Heck, during the swinter of 1994, we met a girl and that summer took her to Yankee Stadium. Whether or not she remembers, I'll ask her tonight.

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