Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Battle Extraordinaire

Game of Thrones Edition.

So we've been binge watching season 7. We got to episode five and the battle of Highgarden.

Spoilers are coming so don't scroll if you wanna watch.


Here there be spoilers.

Here's a clip:

Basically, the Lannister Army has just taken Highgarden and is marching away when they hear approaching hooves. Over the rise come thousands of screaming Dothraki raiders.

We were impressed with the Lannister shield wall. Any good military historian knows light cavalry can't crack heavy infantry.

Then came Daenarys Stormborn and her dragon which basically napalms the Lannister army.

They tried a score of archers against the dragon. Then  try a giant balista, which only wounds the dragon.

We love that the viewer could see the battle from various perspectives. We loved the fire and smoke everywhere and how the Lannister men stood their ground even after their line had been breached.

A note on the strategy here. Daenerys is losing the war. One fleet has been destroyed outright while another has been destroyed after landing an army of the mighty Unsullied at Casterly Rock, which is now cut off. Then the Lannisters go and defeat Daenerys' Tyrell allies at Highgarden.

Daenerys pulls a George Washington and launches an attack to regain momentum. In doing so she destroys one army, retakes Highgarden and captures the loot with which the Lannisters were going to repay their credit-masters at the Iron Bank.

Dracaryes must be the most feared word in the Valerian language.

Well done, Stormborn. Well done indeed.

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