Sunday, November 26, 2017

Camp David 40 years on.

Recently came the 40th anniversary of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's visit to Israel and speech before the Knesset.

It was a bold move, a brave move, a brilliant move, the move a true statesmen.

Of course the Arabs killed him.

Anwar Sadat's leadership led to peace with Israel. In exchange for peace Israel had to make painful concessions on Sinai, the most important of which was complete total withdraw with not even a sliver or ink spot of the peninsula remaining in Israeli hands.

This set a dangerous precedent for any future negotiations.

But it was worth it.

The Arab Israel wars of 1947-1973 are really the Egypt-Israeli wars. The other states were far less important. Jordan's heart was never in the conflict and Syria never represented an existential threat. Egypt was that threat, and by signing the Camp David Accord Israeli President Menachim Begin forever removed it.

Egypt was and remains a no-future third world crap hole kept fed by American foreign aid, and your average Egyptian hates Israel. Ynet tells us that:

Analysis: In Cairo, which initiated the move that led to a peace agreement with Jerusalem, there is no desire to celebrate and no nostalgia. The only thing the Egyptians are doing is analyzing the motives of the dramatic decision made by their president in 1977. Israel is an established fact even in the changing reality, but normalization is a different story.
That said the government of Hosni Mubarak and now General al Sisi is friendly toward Israel. The two nations cooperate on security, and the Egyptians hate Hamas as much as Israelis.

We'll be talking about the wars between Israel and Egypt all week. In the meantime if reader(s) want a primer...

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