Sunday, November 26, 2017

Hillary! 2020

As we have said before, Hillary! is prepping a run for 2020. Via St. Breitbart of LA:

Are you sick of Republicans? Or just right-wingers in general? Do you want to send a message to Washington that you aren’t going to buy into their racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and classist nonsense for one second longer?
Then do the very thing that Donald Trump unintentionally encouraged in a recent tweet: Encourage Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2020!
Remember, we predicted the Quisach Trumperach's victory last year, so when we tell you Hillary! is running in 2020, it's because Hillary! is running in 2020.

Always trust content from William Stroock.

This is why the Obama Wing of the Democrat Party, led by Donna Brazille are scrambling to spike Hillary! now. On this the Obamanistas and Bernie Bros can agree.

Let's go back and re-quote that article, 'racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and classist'...Xhe just has to get in xhe's digs. That's the rhetoric that will win back PA, xhe just know's it.

Which is why Trump has 7 more years.

However, we stand by our prediction that Hilary! will be dead before  2020. Either from the syphilis she contracted from sex-addict Bill or the Parkinson's. Either or.


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