Wednesday, November 8, 2017

In Which Life Thwarts Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea

Via St. Breitbart of LA we learn that Egypt's president is packing it in:
Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ruled out a constitutional amendment to extend his term, saying an election would be held next year and he will not run again in 2022, in an interview with CNBC Monday. 
Sisi is a former army chief who overthrew his Islamist predecessor in 2013 and won an election a year later.
Some of his supporters including a member of parliament want to allow Sisi to stay longer in office by extending the time between elections and removing the two four-year-term limit.

But Sisi said elections will take place as scheduled in March or April 2018 and he would not ask for a constitutional amendment.
We had plans for a third Israel Strikes novel involving a war between Israel and an Egypt controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Sisi's coup in 2013 pretty much ended that idea.

We even wrote 10,000 pages or so.

Actually what became Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea was supposed to be a subplot of the
the war with Egypt.

Of course it's a stand-alone novel now.

Alas we feel the series has probably been overtaken by events.

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