Thursday, November 30, 2017

Sink This

What's more embarrassing, that we at first liked The Phantom Menace, or that after we saw Titanic we cried like a 13 year old girl who just got her first period in gym class?

So last night we were watching a special about Titanic 20 years later, which was interesting.

James Cameron is still obsessed with the tale and the wreck, and still likes to dive down there.

If Cameron is so interested in the disaster why not make another movie about it? We're serious. You know what would be interesting? A series of short pieces, say one about the Carpathia, one piece about what's going on in those lifeboats as they wait, a piece about Molly Brown taking over her lifeboat. Hell, why not a movie about Rose coming ashore and getting her life together?

This would be perfect for Netflix.

Anyway, Cameron was discussing his greatest regret about the film. That is the scene where a Titanic officer shoots an unruly passenger and then shoots himself. That character was based on a real officer and his family took great offense at Cameron's portrayal.

We ran into a similar problem with A Line through the Desert. In the novel we listed three fictional characters that were killed alongside the names of real soldiers who were killed. We thought we were doing right by the dead, but every once in a while a vet of the Battle of 73 Easting gives us grief about it. Art is a product of its time and we do not regret what we did. That said, we would not do it again today.

No, we've never gone back into the book and changed it. Who are we, George Lucas?

By the way, any readers have thoughts on the greatest movies since 1975? Weigh in below or FB.