How, White Man. Me likum squa. Trade big magic.
[Now was that really necessary?-Ed]
Yes, yes it was.
Anyhoo.... Everyone thought President Trump screwed up on that one. We didn't. Trump does not screw up. Trump moves form victory to victory. Don't believe me? Well watch this:
Oh, by the way, while the depraved sex-lunatics in the media were focusing on Trump reminding us all that Elizabeth Warren is the whitest of white fake Indians, he was gutting Warren's own Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Then he goes and Tweets this:
Somehow this tragic event slipped our consciousness, much like Joe Scarborough.
According to reports the intern slipped and whacked her head on a table.
We have footage right here:
Now if this scene didn't immediately come to mind then you're reading the wrong blog.
[What the fuck, man. What. The. Fuck.-Ed]
Trump's war against the media continues unabated, from victory to victory. It's almost like the Civil War, and Trump is Sherman.
March on.
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