Monday, November 20, 2017

The Clintoning: Alternate Algores

One of the ironic things about Wienstein and now Al Franken, not to mention Spitzer, Weiner...

[What's with all the Hebrews, mate?-Ed]

Might be a shiksa thing, I dunno.

Anyhoo, one of the ironic things about all this sexual imbroglio is the Dems are finally having to come to grips with Bill Clinton.

[Monica already did! Ha!-Ed].

Now back in '98, we were on the side of the righteous and argued about appropriate behavior and High Crimes and Misdemeanors. No wonder the Dems whooped our butts.

We should have been arguing about feminism and power and sexual harassment. Heck it would have been hard for the Dems to ignore that. They may even had come on board.

Over at Business Insider Josh Barro Argues:

In a way, Democrats have gotten exactly what they have deserved for accommodating the Clintons' nonsense. Their antics have cost Democrats not one but two presidential elections. 
One great irony of Hillary Clinton's career is that she became a senator by elbowing another woman out of the way. If she had not become the first female senator from New York, Rep. Nita Lowey would have. 
If that had happened — if the Clintons had agreed to go off into a normal post-presidency instead of holding Democrats hostage in an emotionally abusive relationship for 16 more years, or if Democratic voters had insisted that they do so — that would have been decidedly more convenient for the party. 
There would probably be a Democratic president right now — maybe even a female one

Let's play alternate history for a moment and suppose Clinton resigned in disgrace.

Vice President Al Gore is sworn in a day later.

So lets talk about Al.

Today Algore is a robotic sex-pervert (not Jewish, happy Ed?) and environmental hypocrite who sold his cable station for petro dollars. In other societies Algore would heard people into boxcars for the sake of preserving spotted snail darter.

But once upon a time Algore was a Southern Democrat in the mode of Scoop Jackson, a man with his feet planted squarely in the tradition of Kennedy and Truman. He was one of ten Dem senators to support Desert Storm. A serious man, though stiff, and level headed.

Now to be honest by '98 he had already begun his descent to creepy totalitarianism. For us that descent began at the convention of 1996 when he gave a shameful speech exploiting his sister's death from lung cancer.

But for now lest just say the man in 1998 was still redeemable.

Upon taking office the GOP probably tries to marginalize him. That said House Speaker Newt Gingrich was a historian and probably would have sensed the moment.

We suspect Al and Newt can get together and pass a bill that 'reinvents' government and maybe another that pays off some debt.

In 2000 we think Al Gore wins a solid victory over W, portraying himself as the man who stabilized Washingtonian and got things done. He reassures the nation.

We've never had any faith in the man's ability to handle the 9/11 crisis, and don't believe he would have liberated Afghanistan the way Bush did. But in this universe maybe a few years in the oval office toughens up Al Gore and he sees what must be done.

Al Gore probably doesn't invade Iraq.

Whether or not that's a good thing is up for debate.

Inaugural Portrait of the 43rd President, 1 February 1998

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