Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Media is Decadent and Depraved: Glenn Thrush Edition

So NYT reporter Glenn Thrust is suspended for sexual misconduct. Via Breitbart:

A separate allegation comes directly from the Vox reporter who broke this story, Laura McGann, who claims that “five years ago, when Thrush and I were colleagues at Politico, I was in the same bar as PadrĂ³ Ocasio’s friend — perhaps the same booth — when he caught me off guard, put his hand on my thigh, and suddenly started kissing me. Thrush says that he recalls the incident differently.”
Other allegations range from “unwanted groping and kissing to wet kisses out of nowhere to hazy sexual encounters that played out under the influence of alcohol.”
Vox adds, “Details of their stories suggest a pattern. All of the women were in their 20s at the time. They were relatively early in their careers compared to Thrush, who was the kind of seasoned journalist who would be good to know.”
Do read the entire Vox story. Thrush is a cad and creep.

What does a 40-50 year old man want with a 23 year old?

[What do you think-Ed?]

We'll deal with Thrush in a minute.

But first a word about Vox reporter Laura McGann. So you're at a bar with a bunch of coworkers until its you, Thrush and some young girl. Thrush hands the girl a $20 and tells her to get lost leaving only you and he.

Oh honey, did your mother not have this conversation with you? When your out drinking with a man, and he gets you alone, his intentions will always be touchy and grabby.

I bet you thought you could trust a prog like Thrush because Republicans are misogynists, right? War on women and all that, right? Didn't Barry O say so?

Now to on to Thrush, Ms. McGann, he's you're fault too.

Come back with me now 20 years to the world of 1998, the world of Bill and Monica, when progressive women the world over told us Bill Clinton should stay in office even after playing hide the stogie with Monica. In vain us conservatives argued about the message this sends. In fact we recall lead House prosecutor Henry Hyde saying just that, 'This sends a horrible message!'

Well, progressive creeps like Thrush and millions like him got the message you gals sent. As long as you're progressive you can grab as much ass as you like.

Just ask Nina Burleigh.

A few months ago you and your ilk were mocking Vice President Pence for thinking it inappropriate to be alone with a woman other than his wife.

Reap it.

Never trust a man wearing a hat like that
Except Drudge. Always trust Drudge

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