Thursday, November 30, 2017

World War 1990: ANZACs

Any historical or alternate history novel we write is going to require a ton of research. This was especially true for World War 1990: ANZACs as we knew almost nothing about the Australian and New Zealand Armed forces.

Being in a 'rough neighborhood' as Prime Minister John Howard liked to say, Australia takes its defence commitments seriously.

In 1990 the Australian Army had one standing division and two reserve divisions, the navy boasted over 70 ships, and the RAAF two squadrons of F-18s and two squadrons of F-111. The above mentioned standing army division was based on two armored regiments, each outfitted with Leopard tanks. That is a considerable amount a firepower.

New Zealand could put a brigade in the field, three destroyers and a squadron of A-4s.

Both nations maintained SAS squadrons.

For a few months after the fall of Singapore and the Philippines and the sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse, Australia was defenseless with one division lost at Singapore and three fighting in the Middle East. Prime Minister Menzies demanded the return of Australia's divisions and open fought with Churchill over the matter.

Ever since the Australian military has been prepared to fight regional conflicts South Asia in conjunction with other Commonwealth nations (New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia).

The Search for Tactical Victory gave us a good summation of Australian efforts in Vietnam. Out of Sight, Out of Mind talked of Australian naval policy and general Australian strategic thinking. Australian Military Slang was a laugh-riot and we strongly recommend it, though not in mixed company. The Australian Army from Whitlam to Howard talks about the army in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, Cold War policy and the War on Terror.


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