Thursday, November 30, 2017

I'm from Brazil, Where the Profs come from

The New York Post, the most trusted name in NY news...

[The Post? Really? -Ed]

...tells us that the Academy is filled with nuts:
A Russian spy, a “sperminator” who’s fathered 29 kids and a radical who revels in the thought of “dead cops.” Meet the esteemed CUNY faculty shaping young minds.
Many of these nutty professors are adjuncts, part-time instructors who are barely vetted and often hired on the fly just days before classes start, sources told The Post.
We agree. And we ought to know. Back in our professorial days we were one of the nuts, the whack job professor who will eat up ten minutes lambasting AstroTurf and do Sam Kinnison impressions to intro the Korea War.

[He's not kidding, -Ed].

But on an American college campus in the 21st century, we were the normie.

We had colleagues that believed Jews run the world, 9/11 was an inside job, and one who asked us if we wanted to meet her cat Willem and proceeded to take a fur lined purse out of her pocketbook. We remain close.

Of course just being a normie made one kind of nuts on campus.

Our shtick  played well though.

He's not wearing pants-Ed

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