Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Circumstances, Ideas, Candidataes: Tennessee Edition

Via Hotair we learn that Tennessee Republican Bob Corker may cancel his retirement from the Senate because polls show current GOP frontrunner Marsha Blackburn is losing to former Dem governor Phill Bredesen. Hotair says:

Well, it’s just one poll. Bredesen doesn’t really stand a chance in ruby-red Tennessee, does he? Don’t be so sure, wrote elections analyst David Byler in the Weekly Standard last month. Between his name recognition as a former governor and a national climate that favors Democrats, Bredesen will be competitive:
Phil Bredesen was a popular two-term governor. In essence he complies with one of Stroock's three laws of winning elections: Bredesen is a good candidate. However the circumstances should be terrible for Bredesen and we can't imagine how he's going to square Nancy Pelosi's ideas with the TN electorate.

But don't get cocky, as Tennessee native Instapundit likes to say. That's a competitive race.


  1. He is not as popular here as people think we still remember how he tried to put in a state income tax

  2. I recall that, actually. Instapundit is a TN guy, by the way, Knoxville.

  3. I live in memphis in west Tennessee there is more support for blackburn

  4. Flew into a couple of times I think. Lots of family in Western Kentucky.
