Thursday, February 22, 2018

CNN is Gonna CNN

Well, we think President Trump has the politics of the Parkland Massacre in hand. He's proposed a few minor law changes, regulations etc, and this 'listening session' with survivors and family members is good governance not to mention good 'optics'. Lord we hate terms like that.

Senator Marco Rubio (Cuck, Cuckistan) cucks-out and says 18 year old shouldn't buy rifles and teachers shouldn't be armed. We can't believe how much we used to love that guy.

Meanwhile CNN gathers a hate-mob against the faire and articulate Dana Loesch.  The Daily Caller has the ugly scene here, and here. Oh, and all the CNN questions were scripted. On a related note, yesterday CNN went to some woman's home and doxed away. Her crime? She ran a pro-Trump FB group that participated in one of the Russian faux Trump rallies.

Replace 'NRA' with 'The Jews' and you'll understand what CNN is doing.

Remember, the Second Amendment exists to protect us from the likes of CNN.

No Ma'am? No CNN!

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