Sunday, February 25, 2018

In Response to the Parkland Massacre we should ban...


So sayeth our FB Friend Kathy Shaidle and we agree.

Modern American high schools are warehouses where we stuff young people until they reach maturity.

And as mentioned before by 8th grade you've learned everything you need.

We suspect less than 25% of the people reading this post got anything out of the place. Hey, it's great if you're a brainiac sitting with your fellow braniacs at lunch and gabbing away in French, or of course if your a jock.

For the rest of us, high school sucked.

And frankly, my neighbors and I know we could do a better job than the overpaid professional edu-crats at school. And we live in a good school district.

Which is why I propose we do just that. Close down the schools and us parents will home school our kids. We would need no more than four hours. We'll work on some science and math, English and history, say half an hour with a foreign language. Half an hour with a musical instrument. Half an hour learning things like using power tools, changing a tire and the like. No gym, no lunchtime, no bus ride. Find something that the kid is interested in and let them spend the rest of the day doing that. 

Beats sitting in a stuffy classroom and it beats paying extortion level taxes for a school system that doesn't work.

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