Monday, February 26, 2018

Questions for the Republic of California: Border and Soverignty

Now that you've seceded from the Union and taken Oregon and Washington State with you, we've got some questions for you Cali:

1. Doesn't Hawaii have to come along too?
2. Might you try to take British Columbia along with you?
3. In which nations will you open an embassy?
4. Do you recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel? A toughie.
5. What do you plan on doing about US military installations in California? You've got to expel American forces, no? What about the missile base at Vandenberg?
6. Will you institute tolls on Interstates leading into California?
7. How do you plan to control the border with Mexico, the United States and Canada?
8. What size army will you have? We suggest ten brigades + a reservist system similar to the Israeli model. Each reserve brigade can be based on a major city. You'll need a marine and airborne bde as well.
9.What size navy do you intend? We suggest two carriers like the Royal Navy and French Marine Nationale, five escorts per carrier (that'll come to 20 destroyers 6 cruisers), twelve attack submarines and the capability to deploy a marine brigade. With support ships, etc, etc, you're looking at a 50 ship navy. That doesn't even include the dozens of patrol craft you'll need for your long coastline.
10. Will the Republic of California have nuclear weapons?
11. As you are now the premier power in the Pacific, how will you deal with North Korea?

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