Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Nazi Scum Leave our Statues Alone

First they came for Robert E Lee, then they came for...William McKinley?

That is President William McKinley, of whom we guess perhaps half the readership has a vague memory.

The Arkata/McKinleyville paper tells us that:
ARCATA – After two days, reaction to Wednesday's Arcata City Council decision to remove the statue of President William McKinley from the Arcata Plaza features both celebration and dissent. The council had the choice to authorize the statue's removal or to let Arcata voters make the call. At the urging of Councilmember Paul Pitino and dozens of speakers that night, the council gave McKinley his marching papers.
We're talking about President William McKinley here.

I don't know what these Nazi vandals think President McKinley ever did to anyone.

Here's a roundup of the public comment, if you can stand it. They look employable, no?

Also, they're Nazi scum.

Abolition is not PC

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