Thursday, March 1, 2018

Keep Grabbing those Guns

Gun Control is a loser of an issue for Democrats. For example, Hotair tells us that consumers hate companies cutting ties with the NRA.

Meanwhile Hotair also reports on the televised meeting Trump had with senators from both parties:
Various reporters marveled how he seemed open to virtually everything Democrats proposed at the meeting..
This has sent some of us MAGA types into a tizzy. Of course these folks came away from Trumps meeting with Chuck and Nancy thinking Trump had just stabbed them in the back vis a vis the wall. As we noted at the time, have a little faith, baby. It's a beautiful wall, and it's gonna be there.

Legal Insurrection cautions, Trump was being Trump on Gun Control:

Yes, I understand that if any Democrat said “take the guns first and deal with due process later”, the whole right-leaning world would be up in arms, sparking the next great Civil War. But it’s exceedingly silly to ignore the fact that for better or worse, this is Trump being Trump — throwing out a handful of ideas and seeing which ones stick.

Everyone points to Senator Feinstein's giddy-glee when Trump brought up the 'assault weapons' ban. Try being a little less stereotypical, Senator, Jesus. Leni Reifenstahl couldn't have directed that any better.

Theory/Hope: Trump just tricked the Dems into really bad soundbites that will make really great commercials this fall.

Always trust Trump
Never bet against Trump
Don't get sick of winning

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