Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What about all the Junk?

So The Battle of the Polish Plain, we still hate the title by the way, is coming along nicely and we see where it will be 60,000 words.

Of course we've complained a lot about having to write this thing, or re-write it, as if having not one but two more books to sell is a bad thing.

[Yeah that sucks, Ed]

Anyway, one of the issues for the NATO invasion of Eastern Europe is manpower and equipment. Seriously a lot of these units are going to be warn down. After three weeks of fighting in West Germany they're going to turn around and invade Eastern Europe?

We've actually just written about how the Canadian 1st Division was restocked with every last spare vehicle Ottawa could scrounge up and the ranks replenished with reservists, militia, etc etc.

Of course the Soviets have no such problems. Lose one division simply throw another division into the fight.

But this made us think...

[ooooh wow, you, thinking?-Ed]

....we thought about, say the Battle of the Fulda Gap, defended by an American cavalry regiment and an infantry division.  We can say with certainty that the Americans would make mince meat of the first few Soviet waves but eventually sheer numbers would overwhelm them. But at some point wouldn't the gap just be too choked with flaming wreckage for another Soviet regiment to move through? I mean, after a few hours its a high tech junk yard. How does one advance through a battlefield already fouled up by hundrds of burning hulls?

Food for thought as we wrap things up here.


  1. I know we did and assuming the Russians did had units who job was to clean the battlefield up and repair as many as possible

  2. I'm just wondering how you send a MRR through a junk field and maneuver

  3. That's why the repair units are right behind the assault units to clear lanes for the follow on units

  4. Yeah but those commie repair units are going to be under heavy fire.

  5. They are it's up to the first wave to push the defenders back so they can work a little more safely
