Friday, March 30, 2018

War in Gaza

As we write this Drudge leads with headlines speaking of a new Passover War. Ynet tells us that:
Six Palestinians were killed and dozens more were wounded by IDF gunfire along the Israel-Gaza border, Palestinian sources said Friday, as thousands congregated near the security fence as part of "The Great March of Return," called for by enclave's militant Hamas rulers.

They were reportedly shot by Israeli snipers for approaching the security fence, burning tires and throwing stones at IDF soldiers and property.

The military said it will not tolerate damage to the border and that it will hold Hamas responsible.
PR stunt? Definitely. Cover for some sort of terror op? Certainly.

We suggest religious reader(s) open the Old Testament to the book of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. All that marching and yelling was quite obviously cover for the mine Joshua's forces were digging under the walls of the city. 

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