Thursday, April 5, 2018

10 Years on and Gone

Mark Zuckerberg informs us that we joined Facebook ten years ago today.

Good god.

At first Facebook was so much fun that first year or so, finding distant family, reconnecting with long lost friends, etc etc. Remember Flair? We miss Flair.  One night we hashed things out with an old girlfriend. It was a cathartic and even bonding experience. She went on to edit a few of our books.

Five years ago we mostly ranted about politics. It's what we really cared about back then. Then we saw one of our friends doing the same. God, is that what we looked like? Rarely do we opine anymore. Mostly we just post pictures of the Stroocklettes or stupid things. We'll link here.

Facebook has become a giant time sink and the wise user won't go there unless they have reason to. Otherwise it's like stopping by the party for a courtesy call and a beer and staggering home five hours latter declaring that your are the Lord  of the Bottomless Pit. True Story.

Anyhoo Facebook is far too useful to ever leave. We use it to stay in touch and connect with fans, the last truly nice experience on the platform.

But man, 10 years already.

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