Thursday, April 5, 2018

Life Imitates Israel Strikes

Hamas is planning another tire-fire photo-op for Friday.

The first one last Friday was curious. Yes the mass march created a PR problem for the Israelis with the usual Euro-weenies and the UN bitching and moaning. Actually the Israelis have gotten much better at handling these situations, something we wrote about in Israel Strikes.

Protests from the Arab world were pro-forma at best. News flash, Arabs hate the Palis much more than the Israelis.

The Israelis took out a dozen or so actual Hamas terrorists last Friday, and it would seem that Friday's march was actually just cover to sneak some terrorists into the country.

Which is kind of sad. The Israelis watch the coast and every time Hamas lands commandos the Israelis blow them away. The Israelis shoot down Hamas missiles. And now they have some sort of technology that detects underground tunnels.

As it is written, the Jew is clever.

Now the Jpost tells us that Hamas was attempting to attack an Israeli Navy corvette.

Of course in Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea Hamas manages to sink one Israeli corvette and severely damage another.

Maybe Hamas has been reading up?

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