Sunday, April 8, 2018

Baseball's Back, Baby!

We used to be a yuuge baseball fan. We could watch any baseball game, any time. Back in 1999 and 2000 when professional failure brought about stress and insomnia, west coast baseball games were a great comfort.

But we had to come back to the game, first.

You see, anyone who loved something as much as we loved baseball was going to feel jilted by the strike of 1994.

Out of rage, disappointment, disgust, we banned the game for three years.

Also that spring we met our wife, interned at the White House and more or less left home for Washington, so we had other things on our mind.

Still, we were pissed at baseball.

An accident* and a bit of nostalgia brought us back.

Twenty years ago today we were driving from Northern Virginia to visit our folks. We were on the Garden State Parkway when that day's Yankees-Athletics game started .For old time's sake we decided to tune into 77 WABC, home of the Yankees. We always liked announcers John Sterling and Michael Kay, again, very comforting, especially on long trips at night. At 25 listening to them was already a pleasant childhood memory.

So we tuned in to a romp of a game which the Yankees won 17-13. David Cone started and got shelled. Later in the season he won a bunch of one run games for the Yankees, saying he owed it to the team, after they bailed him out earlier in the year.

Here's the link to that game, via Baseball Reference. Just like I remember it, too.

*We'll do that some other time.

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