Sunday, April 8, 2018

There will be no Blue Wave

As it is written in the Talmud of Stroock, 'There will be no blue wave.'

So it is written and so it shall be.

Then again we were thinking about the 2017 British Parliamentary elections where there was indeed a blue, or in this case red wave.

[They sure got the colour right on that one, didn't they?-Ed]

Now, one of the things we're counting on here in America is the Democrat Party's overt craziness turning off lots of voters. Well, given the results of last year's parliamentary elections that might not be enough.

Labour's Jeremy Corbyn is indeed a communist, a Trotskyite to boot. Also, as previously noted, Corbyn hates Jews.

Labour still made gains in the House of Commons.

So we went and looked at the numbers from the 2017 elections. We combined the Labour, Scottish National Party and Lib-Dem vote for a rough left side turnout of 49% vs a 46% for the combined Tory-UKIP turnout.

Overall the Tories lost 13 seats and Labour gained 30 seats in the Commons...BUT, most of that came at the expense of the lay-abouts at the SNP who lost 21 seats.

Charisma free PM Theresa May, the Elizabeth Dole* of Brit politics was initially expected to romp leading to a yuuge pickup for those Tory wankers. So results did not match expectations.

Given that Parliament  has 650 seats in the Commons compared to 435 in the US House, Labour's 30 seat pickup was decent, but not a wave.

Roughly that would translate to about a 15-20 seat gain in the house for the Dems, no?

Gains for Dems? Yes. Wave for Dems? No.

*Back in 2000, National Review speculated about potential Veep candidates for W. When they got to Dole NR listed her positive attributes as 'N/A' and called her, 'Bob Dole without the Viagra'.

I have returned, Masala

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