Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Mueller Time is Flat

Mueller is desperate.

If you needed any more proof the entire Mueller investigation is a which-hunt, the raid on Michael Cohen gives it to you.

Mueller is part of the elite that's horrified by the existence of President Trump and the people who voted for him. Indeed we are deplorable.

Like the elite, Mueller thinks us Normies care about the intricate details of 'Russian collusion' or this preposterous Stormy Daniels angle. They care and they can't believe that we don't.

For the record the theory of the crime is that by paying off Stormy Daniels, Trump violated campaign finance laws. Are they serious? They think campaign finance arcana is going to bring down Trump?

They do, they really do.

This isn't a new front in the war on Trump and Normies, its the last gasp of a massive investigation that's turned up nothing.

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