Monday, April 16, 2018

New York Hates Us...

...and we hate New York right back.

We suspect alert reader(s) are aware of New York Magazine's bizarre article finding all kinds of hidden meaning in Chick-fil-A opening stores in NYC. We've driven past them. Some urbanites find this unsettling. Behold:
New York has taken to Chick-fil-A. One of the Manhattan locations estimates that it sells a sandwich every six seconds, and the company has announced plans to open as many as a dozen more storefronts in the city. And yet the brand’s arrival here feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism. Its headquarters, in Atlanta, are adorned with Bible verses and a statue of Jesus washing a disciple’s feet. Its stores close on Sundays.
Dude, it's a chicken joint.

Readers outside the northeast may not be very familiar with New York City. When you think of NYC, you're probably thinking of Manhattan. The other four boroughs are tough working class areas, except for sections of Brooklyn overtaken by Millennial hipsters who deserve to die. Brooklyn and Queens usually follow the Mets while the Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island follow the Yankees like right, decent folk. the Jets usually hold the loyalties of the outer boroughs and Long Island (pronounces lonGUYland), the Giants' base is in Manhattan, the Bronx and New Jersey. The teams are split 50/50 in Westchester.

We pray to god our girls never bring home a Jets fan.

Gravity alone dictates that those living outside of NYC will fall into it's orbit. We have not set foot in the city since our grandfather's funeral 33 days ago. Frankly we were looking forward to this. We loath Manhattan and everything in it. In fact, when we cross the Lincoln Tunnel into Manhattan we think the island's heterosexual population increases to 1.

My fellow Normies, never doubt that the staff of The New Yorker and every other smug liberal in Manhattan wants you to die in a fire. Never doubt it for one goddamn moment. We know. We were raised to think civilization ends at the Hudson. These people hate your guts. Hate them right back.


  1. To bad we just can't nuke the city and also San Francisco maybe we could cleanse the country of this leftist cancer

  2. Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

  3. Love that movie the best of the Aliens movies
