Monday, April 2, 2018

On the Comming Midterms

We read somewhere yesterday that the Progressive wing of the Democrat Party has already won the Democrat Primary. The undefeatable Mark Steyn himself has pointed out that the Democrats are sick of the Clintons and associate their 'centrism' with corruption. Which is exactly right.

Of course the Clintons have starved the Democrat Party of oxygen these last 25 years. After Bill was gone Hillary took the title of President in waiting. Algore was the last serious Democrat candidate and in the subsequent elections they had to go with novelty acts, Jean Francois Kerry (OMG his initials are JFK!) and of course the ultimate Diversity Hire, Barrack Hussein Obama.

The Clinton kleptocracy combined with the resurgent left makes for an interesting brew.

Right now the average Democrat thinks they're going to remove Trump via an obstruction of justice case. The average Democrat also thinks a platform of gun-confiscation, raising taxes, and eliminating ICE is a great way to attract voters in the fall. They freak out over things like asking a citizenship question on the census. Oh, these progressives also want San Fran Nan to be the face of the party.

Not to put to fine a point on things, but the Democrat Party is Crazy. Which is why they'll lose in the fall.

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