Monday, April 2, 2018

The Israel Strikes Passover Cunumdrum

After our lament on how new Egyptian President for life Abdel al-Sisi ruined our planned third Israel Strikes book, valued reader Donald Harris said we should write the damn book anyway.

Oh we had big plans. Massive tank battles in the Sinai, aerial duels over Cairo, daring Israeli commando raids on the coast of Africa, intrepid Israel engineers laying down baily bridges in the Suez, some sort of climactic Israeli moral dilemma...

[Hey, that sounds pretty good-Ed]

I know, right?

Anyhoo....the problem is two fold. These techno-thrillers are supposed to be speculative. Frankly al-Sisi's Egypt is not going to war with Israel. The Egyptians hate terrorism just as much as Charleton Heston's people, and loath the Palestinians even more. All Arabs loath the Palestinians. Also, via the World War 1990 series, we kind of have our modern warfare fix.

I dunno. Maybe a conflict with the Turk?

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