Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Stormy over Mueller

First Mueller came up with bupkis on Russian collusion.

We know this becuase no evidence of such has been leaked and he moved on to possible obstruction of justice.

Then he came up with bupkis on obstruction of justice.

We know this because no evidence of such has been leaked and now he has moved on to Stormy Daniels and possible campaign finance violations.

This entails a raid on Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Is he serious? Over Stormy Daniels?

Of course our training is medical not legal, but this seems like an excuse to seize files and get hold of communications between Cohen and Trump.

For legal analysis we suggest the very sober bloggers at lawyers over at Powerline who note:
It is blindingly obvious that this whole story, and the leak thereof, is a political attack on President Trump by the Democratic Party. There is only one serious question: Didn’t President Trump appoint the current Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray? And the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions? Yes, he did. So why is DOJ making war on the president?

The answer is that Trump and his appointees do not control the departments they ostensibly run. Liberals tell us that at DOJ, it is critically important that political appointees not interfere with the “career professionals” who do all the work. I say, bullshit. The “career professionals” are just Democratic Party lifers who have risen to the top of the bureaucracy, often by avoiding any actual, risky work. I’m not talking about FBI agents on the street, or the majority of Assistant U.S. Attorneys. (U.S. Attorneys, of course, are political appointees.) I’m talking about career bureaucrats like James Comey, Bob Mueller, Andy McCabe, and so on.
We've been reading Powerline for a long, long time. These are the kind of attorneys who are cautious to a fault, serious, sober legal minds who know the law, the kind of attorneys you want handling your estate, overseeing your taxes, making sure your investments are perfectly legal, the kind of men who look comfortable in gray suits. When these guys start talking like that...

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